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We were sent home early from school yesterday because Cadence was crying and really in pain saying her ear hurt. The doctor confirmed that she had a double ear infection and needed 10 days of amoxicillin. Now, on a regular day, KK takes medicine twice a day, Claritin liquid in the morning and a chewable Singular before bed, due to her awful allergies. Medicine is no biggie to her. Except when she feels bad. I spent 30 minutes before the doctor yesterday afternoon trying to get her to take Ibuprofen to help her feel better, only to end up with it all over me and the couch. She never took it. I have spent the last ten minutes this morning trying to get her to take the amoxicillin, with even worse luck. And now we are both frustrated and angry. I called my mom for advice (since as a child I had ear infections as much a most children have a runny nose and had to take amoxicillin all the time) and basically my only options are to force the medicine down her. Great. I was looking forward to a day of cuddling with her, resting, and ending the day with her feeling much better. Now she is in her bed, probably asleep, and I am in the office trying to figure out what to do. Why is it when she really needs the medicine, she won't take? There is no reasoning with a 3 year old.
I really do hate making big decisions. I don't particularly like change and hate having to decide about changing things. I have been happy in some way with my job teaching preschool this year and un-happy in others. With Ben's support I had decided not to come back to the preschool and to focus my time and efforts on working at the Pregnancy Center and on (hopefully!) being pregnant. However, we had yet to figure out the monetary ramifications of that decision. Then today, I was offered a different teaching job within the preschool and alot of the things that I have been unhappy with, I would no longer have to deal with. They are even willing to change the job to 4 days a week, so that I could at least devote a full day (Mondays) to Pregnancy HopeLine. It would mean that Cadence could still go to Kirk of the Hills, I would still get the tuition break and make money! However, Ben is not sure he wants me there. One certain person has been the largest source of my stress, and they will still be there. However, I will not have to deal with them as much. I don't know what to do. I know we are not financially stable enough to pass up the job offer. I also would rather work this year while being pregnant, and be able to take time off after the baby is born, than be off and be forced back to work too soon due to financial issues. Being a grown up sucks! I really just want someone else to make up my mind for me.
My little girl is three years old. I am not sure how that happened, but it did. Time goes alot faster than you think. Three is such a milestone. Suddenly she is in a new age range in toys, she can start taking things like dance and gymnastics, she looks like a miniature person, and not just a baby or a toddler. I like this age alot. I can't wait to have another baby with her around. She is such a little mother. She loves babies and loves her new niece Bella, who actually resembles Cadence. Her birthday party was a definite success. I am learning to be more laid back at events like this and it definitly pays off. Hopefully when I write a "Four year old" blog next year there will be new baby around...