Monday, July 6, 2009

You know the rules, head on over to to get the button and post your own confessions.

I did not take the kids for ice cream and french fries at 5:00, which is way too close to dinner time. I also did not seriously consider ordering more fries, I LOVE Braum's french fries!

My bedroom is not still filled up with all of the furniture I shoved in their to clean up the house before our 4th of July party. I am also not dreading opening up some of the closets in the house that I shoved more stuff into.

When my sister in law came over to lay out in the pool and I told her I would stay inside and get stuff done, I was not weak and ended up going outside to join her and also get some sun. There were definitely not too many "and"s in that previous sentence. And I did not get a little too much sun!

At our 4th of July party, my awful, horrible, and mean spirited neighbor (yes, she's that bad!) did not call the cops on us for doing fireworks. The police men that came did not think she was as pathetic as we do and felt bad for us having to live next to her!

Thanks for reading!

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