Have you ever prayed and prayed about something, feeling like God wasn't answering you, and then you wake up one day and realize he has been telling you what to do and you haven't been listening? What was I praying about? Money, finances, stability. I currently have two jobs, both work at home. One is a non profit job that I love with my heart and soul, but there is just not money in it and it has slowly become a volunteer job. The second one is a very cool job with a local child welfare agency, writing profiles on children eligible for adoption through the state. This job is a contract job and I only get paid when the file is done, which takes about 6 weeks. I love both of these jobs and am thankful to get to do them, but there is just no money there, literally right now! So, I've been asking God for guidance on what to do next. Should I get an 8-5 job, put my son in daycare and just be miserable? Should I go back to teaching and make very little money for my time? (Nothing wrong with teaching, but I could only get a job at a Preschool, because I am not certified and Preschools don't pay).
All the while I have been thinking about all of this, I have also been wishing that I had a business. Something that I was in control of and loved to do. My mind kept going back to Arbonne. Back in 2007, I signed up to be a consultant with Arbonne. The week I signed up, I had a miscarriage. I really lost my drive after that. Shortly after that I got pregnant with Henry, and life just got busy. However, it has always been in the back of my mind. It is such a great company, with great, natural products and their compensation plan tops any other Network Marketing Company out there! I just kept thinking, God, I don't want to sell stuff. But you know what I did? I applied for a work at home job in advertising sales! I did not get it, because I have no experience in advertising, but one day it hit me: I was willing to work selling something for someone else, but not for myself? DUH!
So I contacted my close friend, Krystal, who recruited me to Arbonne originally. What a God thing it was because she had been thinking about the same things as I had and just told her husband about it! The more I let myself think about it and believe it, the more I realized that God had been smacking me upside the head with it! What it finally came down to for me was this: My kids are worth it. Why was I letting other people dictate how much money I made? How much work I had? I am jumping in feet first and ready to go! I know it will be hard, and it will take time. But this company has proven over and over again, that if you work, you will reap the benefits! In the book, The Millionaire Club, Maureen Mulvaney wrote about the success of 21 females who earn as much as $20 million a year through home based businesses. Three of these women are with Arbonne. Can you believe it? Those are some great odds.
If you are interested in talking with me about how you can change your life with Arbonne, hear about the products, or book a party leave me a comment! Is your success in your hands? Mine is!
hello Mom
6 years ago
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