In an effort to give my blog more structure and to do something fun, I have decided to do a "14 days of love" post. My friend Jenny gave me the idea! Now I know I am behind since it is already February 6, so I will try to do two a day. I have never done this before and I don't know the "rules", but I have decided that I am only going list things or items I love. I would be on here for months if I listed people!
1. Graco Pack N Play

This play pen was KK's and is now Henry's. KK could sit in it for hours and play or just watch, the tv, us, me cleaning, etc. In fact, I was still using it when she was 2 when I would get in the shower, until Ben made me put it up because she was too old for it. Henry does not like it nearly as much. However, with Henry being such an acitve and into everything baby, the play pen is a god send!
2. Palm Centro

I have had this phone for almost a year now and I have really liked it. When I first got it, we did not have internet at home, so this was my only source of internet (except work). While I am not stupid when it comes to technical stuff, I am also not as good with things as my husband is. However, this phone is so easy to use that I got the whole thing set up by myself. I don't like being idle, so when I am stuck in traffic, or waiting for an appointment, I like that I can get out my phone and get on facebook, or check the weather or my email, or play ms pacman.
1. Graco Pack N Play

2. Palm Centro

I have had this phone for almost a year now and I have really liked it. When I first got it, we did not have internet at home, so this was my only source of internet (except work). While I am not stupid when it comes to technical stuff, I am also not as good with things as my husband is. However, this phone is so easy to use that I got the whole thing set up by myself. I don't like being idle, so when I am stuck in traffic, or waiting for an appointment, I like that I can get out my phone and get on facebook, or check the weather or my email, or play ms pacman.
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