This was a big Halloween for us. First, we had 2 children to contend with for the first time (and dress up!) Second, it was Cadence's first year to really get Trick or Treating and want to do it. We headed over to my in-laws for dinner with Katie and her kids, Mimi, Kay, Grandma, Grammie, and Grandpa. This year Cadence decided she wanted to be a horse. Henry was a very cute skeleton. Bella and WIll were there and Bella was a bumble bee and poor Will slept through the whole thing, but he was a cow! After eating, we headed over to Holly and Austin's (who live in my in laws neighborhod) and chatted for a while, then went out to trick or treat. Bella is a bit young and we carried her most of the time. Henry was in the stroller and we left Will at Grammie and Grandpa's. We did two whole streets and Cadence was done! I will say though, the streets in this neighborhood were super long. Not just a block, but maybe two. Everyone we went to was giving out "good" candy: Chocolate! So we got lots of good candy and had fun. We went back to Holly and Austin's for a bit and then headed home. Here are some of the best pictures.
hello Mom
6 years ago
Aw! Cute costumes! Halloween is a favorite at our house!
cadence's glasses are TOO cute. especially with her hair cut the way it is. such a doll!
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