Over the past year, I have gone through alot of changes within my life. None of them were easy changes to make and some of them broke my heart. However, each change I've made has a common theme, gaining control of my life. Now that (almost) all of those changes have been made and finalized, I feel so happy and calm. I got tired of not being able to do the things I wanted to or being envious of other people's lives. Knowing that I am the only one who can affect the daily life that my children and I lead is incredibly freeing. There are obviously those people that could throw some wrenches into things, but I have learned to not let their actions affect me.
Enough of the emotions, I have always loved reading blogs and am very jealous of a few friends who have created (and keep updated) great blogs that I enjoy reading. With that in mind, I am back in the saddle of blogging. I wish I had blogged more over the last year, but its probably best that I didn't because I don't like airing dirty laundry and the last year would have been alot of that! I'm looking forward to being able to look back and relive this time with my kiddos as we navigate our new life...
hello Mom
6 years ago