Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
MckMama is back and Stellan is doing better, so off we go with another Not Me! Monday!
I did
not allow my 5 year old to stay home from school today, even though I knew she was probably
faking dramatizing, simply because I had overslept and didn't really feel like rushing around like a crazy person to try and get ready and get to school by 9 am or she wouldn't be let into school for the day because of the new stupid rule at her school.
I also did
not realize later that I still had to get out and go to QT to buy my three newspapers, and think, crap! While at QT, I did
not feel bad about myself after seeing a
girl woman my age looking very cute and sophisticated in work clothes while I was wearing jeans (with greasy stains), a t-shirt (with greasy stains), and hot pink tennis shoes with no make up, caring a dirty faced, barefoot toddler. Nope, I am more secure with my self image than that!
I do
not secretly kinda enjoy the nights my husband stays at the firehouse or is out of town, because I get to put the kids to bed and not worry about anyone else, watch whatever tv I want and sleep in the middle of the bed, with Chandler (terrier) and the cat. I am a better wife than that!
I do
not know that we are kinda crazy for getting a second guinea pig. Most of you know I am furry animal obsessed, but usually my husband balances me out and makes sure we keep the fur babies to a realistic minimum. I have read over and over that guinea pigs are happier in pairs so when Ben came across a free pig on craigslist, we jumped on it! The Princess promptly named him Bob, so we now have Joe & Bob. Pictures will be posted soon!
I am
not in pain from wearing my retainers again. My teeth have been moving lately, so I decided to start wearing my retainers again and I am definitely
not cringing with pain as we speak.
I hope you enjoyed my weekly confessions. This is my favorite post to do and I seriously encourage everyone to try it out! Visit MckMama's site to read lots more blogs who are also doing it!