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Over the last few days, the stress of our current situation has really been creeping up on me. I think hotel living is hard enough, let alone when you add two children, 3 dogs and a cat to feed every day, driving all the way across town 2 and 3 times a day, etc. Here is how our last week has been.
The first part of the week was really not bad. I felt like I was getting a routine down and things were working. However, living with transition in my home and my job is still very hard, even when things are great. By Friday, I desperately needed to get out of the hotel and get away from my children! Because Henry goes to work with me, I usually have zero time by myself. Most of the time this is fine, but sometimes it gets to me and this was one of those days. I had some drama/stress to deal with at work, which made my pray this transition is over with as soon as possible (but the work transition is on hold until the house is finished!). My mother in law agreed to have KK and Henry spend the night, so we headed out to Bourbon Street for dinner, where we ran into a friend and neighbor and had dinner with them. After dinner, we met up with Rachel and Kathleen at a sports/karaoke venue (which is really not our type of place!), but we had a blast although we were all hoarse from yelling over the music all night.
Saturday morning Ben went to work and I picked up the kids and headed to Claremore for a play date with my long time friends Lindsay and Daniele and their kids. We each have two children, a boy and girl for each of us. KK is a full year older than their oldests but all our our second babies were born within a 2 month time span. The babies played by themselves, but interacted with each other a bit. The older kids played together and had fun and us mommies caught up. After that I went to my mom's to see my sister off to her first dance. Then we headed back to Tulsa and KK went to spend the night with her cousin Will.
Sunday, Ben, Henry and I headed to Home Depot to buy paint for KK's room. My poor daughter's bedroom was still the blue cars and trucks design that they boy who lived there before us had. As we were mixing her paint, we found an "OOps" can that was the exact color I wanted for our bedroom so we picked that up also. We had to apply two coats of Kilz to the bottom half of KK's room because it was bright, primary blue! My mother in law ended up watching all four grandbabies so my favorite sister in law could come help me paint. (Katie is my push behind getting KKs room done and even offered to do the whole thing herself!) We painted for almost 8 hours before both rooms were done! While we did this, Ben layed down the missing quarter round and did some little things that needed to be done.
So needless to say, we are all exhausted today. KK spent most of the weekend away from home, and playing and she was worn out. Henry missed a nap each day, which makes him miserable. We all had to get up and over to the house early this morning. Ben had to meet with the hardwood floor people and I wanted to be there when KK saw her room for the first time. Then the kids and I ran some errands and are back at the hotel. I think the kids and I have a touch of the stomach flu and we are exhausted, so we are trying to rest, or at least not leave the hotel today! Tomorrow starts the week (thankfully a short one), so there is always the typical "getting ready for the week stuff" to do. This was supposed to be the week we were moving home and moving my office home, but unfortunately due to some problems with the floors, it will probably be next week, which puts a wrench in my office and work schedule. I am trying not to stress about that today!
Thanks for reading, now I am off to try to take a nap while Henry is down.
First I want to say congratulations to my friend Jenny on the birth of her new baby boy, Hudson Gray. I can't wait to see pictures.
Moving on. We are almost one week into our (possibly) two week hotel stay. It really has not been bad at all. I am saving money by have breakfast provided every morning, as well as using the hotel shampoo, condition, and lotion they have provided (its actually nice and smells good!). Ben and I worked out a deal where I go over and feed the dogs in the morning and does the afternoon. The problem with this is that I have to carry Henry with me through the gate into the backyard and hold him while I feed three hungry and attention starved dogs. Since I am still having some major issues with my wrist from my surgery this summer, holding Henry for more than 5 minutes is not a walk in the park. Other than this small issue, hotel living is not bad at all!
Since we are so close to Super Target, I am taking advantage of it! I went today and found a couple of 75% off clearance racks in the kids section. I ended up getting sweatpants and a sweatshirt for both kids for $0.98 each, a coat for next year ($5), leggings ($2), sweater ($3), and a dress ($4) all for KK. I was very very happy. I am planning on going back later in the week to see if the 50% of racks have gone to 75%.
I have been considering some goals for the year, but I haven't seemed to have any time to really sit down and think about them and figure out exactly what I want and how to get it. I have decided on one goal for sure: Have an emergency savings account with $1000 by the end of the year. I even have a plan to do it.
Here are some of the other goals I am wanting to work towards, but want to have a plan to achieve them and not just say I want to:
- Lose weight/tone up
- Declutter
- Generally live well (be more active, use less, eat better, make more time for myself...
I will be working on a better plan to actually do all of these and make them a regular part of my life. I hope to have another goal with a definite plan soon!

I did some pretty great couponing today. I made two trips to Walgreens and may make another one later on today!
Trip #1 (Bigger trip)
Total for all of this was $9.89 (this includes a $1.39 bottle of water I drank before I got home!)
Trip #2
Total for all of this one was $2.32!
I got half of my coupons from the paper on Sunday and half from the internet. On every item but two, I used both Walgreen's Coupons and Manufacturer's coupons. I am not savy enough (yet) to tell you my before and after coupon subtotals, but I am working up to that. I was pretty impressed with my trips and still have some coupons left (Progresso) so I may go back and do it again. Also, I missed out on the Electrosal, but I am going to check again and see if any of the stores have them left.
*Anyone who uses blogger, whenever I upload pictures, it always puts them at the top, I can't ever make them go exactly where I want to go. Any help?
An update on our life:
We are officially living in an extended stay hotel. They started packing yesterday and are finishing today. Tomorrow they will start work on the floors. We will probably be in the hotel a total of two weeks. Its a nice hotel, two bedrooms, two baths. Everyone who works here is very nice and they have a breakfast buffet every morning as well as hor dourves and drinks in the evenings. KK thinks it is the coolest place. She has called her Grammie on the phone in her room, got breakfast with my this morning, and bounced of the walls! I am sure the novelty will all wear off, but I am definitly thankful for a nice, safe place to stay and for good insurance! I am hoping that I will get some much neede relaxation while we are here, along with getting all of my coupons cut and organized and cleaning out my binder. I am also hoping that this will give me some insight and motviation to help me declutter by realizing that we can live without nearly all of the stuff we have in our house. For now, I need to run and get ready to pick KK up from school.